An estimated 99% of US farmed animals are living on factory farms. We break that down by species.
This National Farm Animal Day, we’re calling attention to the sheer number of animals suffering on factory farms at any one time. As an estimated 99% of farmed animals in this country live on factory farms, you’ll see that an overwhelming number of animals — all of whom are unique individuals in their own right — are suffering on factory farms across the US.
1. Broiler chickens
99.9% of broiler chickens, or an estimated 1,619,778,916 chickens, live on factory farms in the US. When you purchase chicken meat in this country, you can almost guarantee it’s coming from a factory farm.
2. Turkeys
99.8% of turkeys bred for food, an estimated 215,867,000 birds, live on factory farms in the US. Turkeys face unique forms of suffering in factory farms, including debeaking and being boiled alive.
3. Pigs
98.3% of pigs raised in the US are raised on factory farms, a whopping 71,150,529 total pigs. More than a dozen major companies may be misleading their customers with false promises about the welfare of pregnant pigs in their pork-supply chains.
4. Egg chickens
98.2% of chickens raised for egg production, around 361,613,047 hens, live on factory farms in the US. Trying to cut back on your egg consumption? Try these simple plant-based egg swaps!
5. Cows
70.4% of cows in the US are raised on factory farms, a total of 65,928,220 cows. This includes both dairy cows and cows raised for meat.
Do these numbers inspire you to cut down on your animal product consumption? You can help us ban factory farming by urging your legislators to support the Farm System Reform Act.