Multiple whales breach in the ocean.

Our Impact for Animals

Our work and your support leads to meaningful change for animals.

For over 70 years, World Animal Protection has been moving the world to protect animals and we aren’t stopping any time soon. Plus, we're the only animal protection organization to regularly address the UN with consultative status since 1981. Learn how your support brings us closer to ending animal cruelty and suffering. Forever.

Trusted By:

Best in America Candid Platinum Status Better Business Bureau Accredited Charity Navigator  

2023 by the Numbers

78¢ 240,000+ 12
of every dollar raised is spent on programs Supporter actions taken, such as petitions and messages to policymakers Engaging meetings with corporate leadership and US legislators
5 6,000+ 5
Groundbreaking research reports published, such as "Tracking the Travel Industry" Supporters engaging in community activities such as webinars and challenges Policies formally introduced or passed, such as the Mink VIRUS Act

Recent Wins for Animals

Mundi the elephant in the wild.

Freedom for Mundi

Safe in Sanctuary

Mundi, a female African Savannah Elephant born in Zimbabwe in 1982, has been moved from a defunct Zoo in Puerto Rico to her new home – a spacious sanctuary in Georgia.

A guinea pig with brown fur.

NYC Bans Guinea Pig Sales

Wildlife. Not Pets.

In April 2023, New York City banned the retail sale of guinea pigs! The new law will protect countless animals from suffering and adds to the growing number of cities ending animal sales in pet stores.

Pregnant pig higher welfare farm UK. Credit: Thomas Alexander

NJ Bans the Crates

Victory for Mother Pigs and Baby Cows

Our work with the Ban the Crates Coalition resulted in the passage of a bill banning the use of crates for mother pigs and young cows on farms in the state.

A tiger in jungle water.

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As a Wild Side member, your support will be put to work every day of the year to end the systems that allow so many animals to suffer.

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Annual Reports and Financials

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Recent Reports

Bear in cage.

Bred for Profit


Our new report reveals that at least 5.5 billion wild animals are bred specifically to be used in cruel industries each year.

Elephant in enclosure.

Tackling the Travel Industry


This report provides an updated ranking of the largest travel companies in the United States on their animal welfare commitments.

Check out our latest news and press!