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Joe Loria
We need to take immediate action to protect animals and the planet they live on.
Meganne Natale
The storm, which has already claimed hundreds of lives, has also likely caused the deaths of thousands of...
Julie Cappiello
As climate change continues to bring increased disasters across our world, it’s important to be prepared and help...
Ethan Wolf
While everyone is worried about the 2019 coronavirus global outbreak and seasonal influenza, another dangerous health scare lurks...
A new study released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) found that hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones...
World Animal Protection US
Following a long period of drought, heavy rains caused severe flooding and mudslides in many parts of Bolivia...
All flights to Antigua are currently cancelled, but our disaster response team hopes to be able to fly...
Gerardo Huertas discusses our work around the world and the impact climate change has on animals in disaster...
Annette Manusevich
We examine how major food processing companies could be deceiving consumers.