Supporter Spotlight: Two minutes with animal lover, Sharon
Meet Sharon, a lifelong advocate for animals, and learn about her latest undertaking – an art sale that is all for the animals!
When did you first become a member of World Animal Protection and what inspired you to give?
Next year it will be 15 years that I have been involved with World Animal Protection. When I was introduced to World Animal Protection, my all-consuming love for animals finally found a channel through which I could express that love by directly helping the helpless, the innocent, those so deserving of my devotion. The plight of these animals has not only inspired me to give, it has compelled me to give. And in return, I receive the greatest reward imaginable - relieving suffering and abject misery, and providing a life of joy and peace.
What do you enjoy the most about being a member of World Animal Protection?
The comfort I get in knowing that animal abuse and pain are being addressed and rectified worldwide, in all situations and in every way possible, This includes, but is not limited to: the billions of farm animals, the millions of domestic animals, marine mammals, and wild animals that are being tortured like baiting bears and bile bears, elephants, and the big cats. World Animal Protection is even involved with the United Nations. What other animal organization is so widespread and all-inclusive?
Do you have a specific campaign you’re most passionate about?
Yes, the bear baiting and bile extraction bears. Theirs is a life consisting of only fear, pain and agony. But in reality, my heart is broken by the terrible plight of all animals that are neglected and abused by those who should be loving them, caring for them, and leaving wild animals free.
You’ve started doing something pretty special this year to help animals. Can you tell us about that project and the pictures you’re selling to benefit animals?
I am so grateful to be given this opportunity to share my "picture project" with those with whom I have a common bond - deeply loving and caring for suffering animals. I have decided to sell portraits of lions, tigers, horses, other animals and a few landscapes in an attempt to raise desperately needed funds to help "our" animals. People would buy something they like for themselves, a friend or a relative, while simultaneously helping the animals we grieve so deeply for, because 100% of the profit goes to World Animal Protection. This is a win-win!
To learn more about Sharon’s picture sale, contact Kristin Dunn, Development Manager, at kristindunn@worldanimalprotection.us.org.