Common Ground: Education for Sustainable Development and Animal Welfare

New global animal welfare education resource


We're launching a new education pack on animal welfare to be used alongside sustainable development teaching around the world.

'Common Ground: Education for Sustainable Development and Animal Welfare' provides teachers with practical activities that bring animal welfare issues to life through literacy, the arts, science and geography.

Mike Baker, World Animal Protection CEO, said: "More and more people are becoming aware that animals are a core part of the world around us.

"Any practical, sustainable solution to some of the most pressing problems facing us - from climate change to food security to public health - will require an intelligent and compassionate approach to animal welfare as part of the solution.

"These materials provide practical activities for teachers to build animal welfare into education about sustainable development, within the larger context of Humane Education. This includes education for citizenship, international development and social justice."

The strong link between animal welfare and sustainable development means that animal welfare education can be used as a stepping stone to discuss other big issues such as climate change. It can also help towards building more resilient and sustainable communities, such as knowing how to prepare for animals before a disaster.

The pack is already being used to train teachers, in partnership with local education authorities, in Mexico, Thailand, Vietnam and Kenya. It has been endorsed by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation), which will help to bring the project to a much wider audience of teachers.

Email our education team to request a copy. Common Ground will also be available online through Animal Mosaic, our online resource bank for teachers and animal scientists.

Learn more about our education work.

Sustainable solutions to our most pressing problems require an intelligent and compassionate approach to animal welfare.