Feeling the cold? You’re not the only one!
As temperatures drop across the country, our animal friends are braving the weather all over the globe.
We delve into our archives to bring you the stories of animals surviving (and thriving) against the elements...
Meet Odi (pictured above). He has been enjoying his freedom in the Romanian bear sanctuary since 2006 and here he is: paws deep in the snow! We have been working with partner group AMP to rescue and care for bears like Odi for years. The sanctuary allows them to lead a life as close as possible to one they would lead in the wild.
It often snows at the sanctuary during the winter. In this image, Odi is enjoying some playtime with his pal, Heinz…
This lovely chap was photographed in 2011 when a volcano erupted in Chile. The snow exacerbated the problems caused by the volcano and prevented animals from grazing and foraging. We were deployed to take care of the animals on the affected farms and deliver emergency veterinary care.
We have been responding to disasters for all over the world for 50 years.
Bolivia and Peru
This was taken in 2012 and although the picture looks sunny, this alpaca’s frosty back betrays the harsh conditions that these animals in Bolivia’s Andean region face. Despite being well-adapted, it is still rather chilly! We have helped them survive the cold winter by delivering feed, minerals and basic veterinary care.
Did you know? Alpacas are social herd animals that live in family groups. They warn the herd about intruders by making sharp, noisy inhalations that sound like a high-pitched bray. They have been known to spit at people they are unsure of so make sure you treat them with the respect they deserve!
These Peruvian alpacas could experience temperatures as low as -24 degrees centigrade!
This beautiful panda was snapped earlier this year using a camera trap in South-Western China. We have been working to develop an education base in a natural bear habitat. The aim is to capture images of wild Asiatic black bears in order share through media and encourage people not to buy bear bile products. Capturing this guy was a lucky coincidence!
Back in Romania...
Further proof that bears enjoy the snow! This was taken at the sanctuary in Romania in 2013 when the first snow of the season fell and settled on the ground. Staff at the sanctuary, run by our partners AMP, reported the bear’s pleasure as they played and enjoyed exploring their wintry surroundings. Read more about our work rescuing bears and our partnerships with bear sanctuaries.
El 95% de los cerdos son criados en granjas industriales donde no pueden comportarse de forma natural.