A bear shaking off snow at the World Animal Protection funded sanctuary, Zarnesti, Romania - February 2017. Credit Line: World Animal Protection

What's Your 2021 Resolution for Animals?



There are so many ways you can make life better for animals in 2021. Here are our top 8 new year's resolutions for animals.

Bjørnene Timka og Alisa er reddet fra en ukrainsk zoo

1. Speak up!

One of the most impactful ways you can help animals any time of the year is to speak up and share information about their suffering. Post on Facebook, tweet about, make a TikTok video - just help get the word out so that others can learn about the issues and make better choices to create lasting change for animals. Not sure where to start? Use the share buttons on our website to share any page directly to your own social media accounts, or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to share our posts.

Bjørnene Timka og Alisa er reddet fra en ukrainsk zoo

2. Call on the G20 countries to end the global wildlife trade

The global trade of wild animals is cruel and puts our health at risk from pandemics. Every day, thousands of wild animals are poached or farmed and sold into the global multibillion-dollar wild animal trade – for food, for pets, for traditional medicine, and for entertainment. Beyond the pain inflicted on animals, we must stop this trade in wild animals now to help prevent future global health crises and protect our environment for generations to come. Join us in calling on the G20 to support and champion a global ban on the wildlife trade.

Bjørnene Timka og Alisa er reddet fra en ukrainsk zoo

3. Pledge to not buy a wild animal as a pet

Wild animals like parrots, otters, and tortoises might seem like fun pets, but in reality, they are extremely difficult to care for, and ultimately, as wild animals they suffer. Captivity limits their natural behavior and places both their mental and physical well-being at risk. While kept as pets, these animals often suffer from chronic stress and poor physical health from being kept in environments that can't give them what they need to be happy and healthy. Wild animals are not pets; they belong in their natural habitat. Make the pledge.

Bjørnene Timka og Alisa er reddet fra en ukrainsk zoo

4. Eat less meat and consume fewer animal products

We know that eating less meat is better for farmed animals, the planet, and our health. An approach to eating meat that can make a huge difference to your life and the lives of billions of factory-farmed animals; if more people started eating a little less, and higher welfare, meat each week, they could help the billions of animals who are factory farmed every year.

Bjørnene Timka og Alisa er reddet fra en ukrainsk zoo

5. Help pass stronger regulations to curb big cat ownership in the US

Big cats such as lions, tigers, cougars, leopards, and jaguars are wild animals and belong in the wild. Yet today, there are more tigers in captivity in the United States than in the wild. Individuals and families often purchase them as babies to be kept as pets, often ignoring just how large the animals grow. As a result, many are left to waste away in cages in backyards and basements. The Big Cat Public Safety Act would help end this cruelty. Click here to take action.

Bjørnene Timka og Alisa er reddet fra en ukrainsk zoo

8. Donate

Around the world, millions of animals like bears are suffering every day. You have the power to help stop the cruelty and help vulnerable animals lead safe, natural lives. When you give to World Animal Protection you are helping to move governments, businesses, and people to end animal cruelty and create a better world for animals. Click here to make a donation to support our work in 2021.

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Happy 2021!

Around the world, millions of animals like bears are suffering every day. You have the power to help stop the cruelty and help vulnerable animals lead safe, natural lives.