August 12 is World Elephant Day which aims to bring the world together to help elephants.
In recognition of this special day and the importance of elephants, we wanted to provide a timely update about our “Building Better” project happening in Thailand. Watch the video below to hear from our partners and colleagues on the ground about the impact supporters like you are making every day.
The COVID-19 pandemic showed us how inextricably linked the welfare of elephants and tourism dollars are. The long-lasting impact from the lack of travel and supply chain issues has been devastating for elephant venues across Thailand. Without visitors, these venues have little or no income to buy food or provide healthcare for their elephants.
Our “Building Better” project addresses that issue, by providing funding to venues to help them sustain their operations for the long term. In addition to stepping in and providing emergency income, World Animal Protection is also working with a handful of venues to address their operational issues and make them more resilient to our ever-changing world.
Our project has provided funds to multiple venues to help them plant their own elephant food. This is a critical supply to have nearby as elephants eat around 440 pounds of food a day. During the pandemic, some venue owners shared with us that they had to drive 2-3 hours a day just to secure enough supplies for their hungry elephants. By planting elephant feed right on site, we can better ensure that they will always have access to a healthy supply of nutritional and tasty food, which will keep them satisfied and full!
To help support this project, and other suffering animals around the world, you can make a secure tax-deductible donation.