As a nonprofit organization, we depend on our generous donors, like you, and their contributions to be able to continue our life-saving work for animals.
No matter how small a donation is, we appreciate every gift and make sure it is utilized efficiently toward our mission of moving the world to protect animals. This includes campaigning for farmed animals to live better lives, rescuing elephants from entertainment venues, saving animals affected by natural catastrophes, and more.
Monthly giving is one of the best ways to support World Animal Protection. By giving each month, you provide a reliable source of funds, thus protecting more animals every day of the year. Your monthly gift can help animals like:
- Pooh: a blind bear who was used in bear baiting and rescued to live in peace at our partner sanctuary in Pakistan
- Sow: an elderly 55-year-old female elephant who worked in the Thai tourism industry for over 20 years, now rescued at our partner high welfare venue Following Giants
- Misunderstood mother pigs and piglets living on factory farms who are cruelly abused and suffer immensely
By joining our new membership program, The Wild Side, you are taking a stand and fighting for animals everywhere. World Animal Protection believes that when it comes to protecting animals, there are only two sides:
- Some people believe animals’ lives are worthless. Some believe they're worth fighting for.
- Some people believe animals belong in cages. Some believe they belong in the wild.
- Some people hurt, exploit, and abuse animals. Some campaign and fight for them.