Cachorros atrás de uma grade. Um deles se apoiando com a pata e com o focinho entre os buracos. Outro um pouco mais distante, olhando para frente. E um terceiro ao fundo, olhando para outro lado.

What is Giving Tuesday?



#GivingTuesday happens once a year and is a global generosity movement that celebrates being philanthropic and supporting nonprofit causes you care about the most. When you donate to World Animal Protection on #GivingTuesday2020, you can be sure you are supporting life-changing work for animals around the world.

There are only a few days left in 2020 to continue making a difference for animals and we’ve already accomplished so much together. Throughout the year, you’ve supported many different life-saving ventures that I’d like to highlight as you consider where you donate on the upcoming philanthropic holiday.  

This year started with your support enabling us to provide long-term recovery care for 21 kangaroos caught in Australia’s catastrophic wildfire.  

Then, amidst the coronavirus pandemic, all of our employees across 14 offices continued to work to fight for animals remotely in the shelter of our homes. With tourism venues across the world forced to close due to COVID-19, our partner sanctuaries were left with no source of income. Because of your support, we were able to make sure hungry elephants in 12 venues across the world have enough to eat in the months to come. 

As the year continued, 170,000 World Animal Protection supporters in the US joined our G20 campaign by signing a petition calling for the end of global wildlife trade.

Thanks to your generosity this summer, we partnered with Animals Lebanon – an organization rescuing, treating, feeding, and providing shelter for animals affected by the devastating Beirut explosion. 

And most recently, together we fed over 13,600 animals in Assam, India after floods caused mass destruction. Because of you and other generous supporters, the mobile veterinary clinics were able to help cows, ducks, goats, dogs, chickens, and other farmed animals at risk of starvation, malnutrition, and disease.  

None of these accomplishments were possible without your support. This #GivingTuesday, I hope you’ll consider the worldwide impact your gift can and does make when you choose World Animal Protection.  

Some of the many convenient ways to support us include but are not limited to: 

On behalf of all of us at World Animal Protection, we thank you for your support and care for animals. Together, we can move the world to protect them all. 

This #GivingTuesday, I hope you’ll consider the worldwide impact your gift can and does make when you choose World Animal Protection.