elephant, Thailand

We’re working with the travel industry to better the lives of elephants



To improve the lives of captive elephants around the world, we need to see more elephant-friendly venues rather than cruel attractions.

As part of our Wildlife. Not Entertainers campaign, we established an elephant-friendly tourism pledge and have engaged many companies to improve the lives of elephants around the world and help transition the tourism industry to an animal-friendly future.

Since 2010 more than 200 companies globally have committed to not selling or promoting cruel elephant attractions including rides or shows. These companies recognize that elephants used for entertainment are often captured from the wild, forced to undergo harsh training and live a life of suffering in captivity.


A venue in Thailand where elephants are used in entertainment shows for tourists.

Moving forward they committed to only offer experiences with a high standard of elephant welfare and conservation in wild or semi-wild habitats to their customers and proactively communicate this commitment to protect elephants.

By collaborating with the travel industry, we have the power to bring change for animals and raise awareness to the issue of animal welfare in tourism.

We continue to work with companies who sign our elephant-friendly pledge as they adapt stronger animal welfare policies, offer more animal-friendly experiences and phase out cruel activities including swimming with dolphins, taking tiger selfies and elephant rides and shows.


Elephants at a high welfare venue in Thailand.

We are encouraged that so many companies have signed the pledge, including EF Education First in July 2018.

As a global leader in educating young travelers EF will improve the lives of elephants around the world and help transition the tourism industry to an animal-friendly future.

Please visit our list of additional elephant friendly travel companies.

For more information on our ongoing work to improve the lives of elephants around the world, sign up to receive our email updates

We are encouraged that so many companies have signed the pledge, including EF Education First in July 2018.