The rescue team in a boat with the two macaques

Two macaques rescued from being used for tourist selfies



Last week a supporter wrote to us about her distressing experience in Vietnam, when she saw two chained monkeys being used for tourist photos outside the infamous Perfume Pagoda in Hanoi.

Distressed at this sight, she asked us to help get her letter to the right people who could potentially help these poor animals. Luckily, our team in Thailand were on hand and we were able to get in touch with our partners Education for Nature Vietnam (ENV) to see if they could help.

As a result, a Wildlife Crime Case Officer at ENV immediately went to the scene to investigate.

After they identified locations of the captive monkeys, they transferred the information to local authorities and witnessed their confiscation on the same day!


The quick thinking and dedication from our friends in Vietnam saved the lives of two animals suffering for ‘entertainment’. These creatures are now safe from being cruelly exploited in the Hanoi Wildlife Rescue Center.

Sadly, not all wild animals being used for entertainment have such a happy ending. That is why we are campaigning for all tour operators to stop sending customers to these cruel venues, and asking the public to think twice about that wild animal selfie. Read more here.

If you see cruelty like this in your travels, please be sure to contact the local authorities and wildlife charities in the area as soon as possible. 


If you see cruelty like this in your travels, please be sure to contact the local authorities and wildlife charities in the area as soon as possible