Sri Lanka

Helping thousands of animals after floods and landslides hit Sri Lanka



We’re distributing emergency vet kits for farm animals and pets suffering in Sri Lanka. Assisting these animals will also help protect the livelihoods of thousands of people who desperately need healthy animals to survive

Our mobile veterinary response teams are working in affected areas of southwest Sri Lanka, saving the lives of thousands of animals.

“The scale of this disaster is catastrophic for both people and animals. Our disaster response team and specialist vets are on the ground to give desperately needed help," Steven Clegg, our international response manager.

“Animals are in dire need; injured, starving, open to the elements and at high risk of disease. By helping them, we will also help the people who rely so heavily on them for their livelihoods, transport and food.”


A malnourished local dog in Malabe, a suburb of Colombo.

We’re providing:

  • immediate aid to animals injured from the floods;
  • emergency vet kits, including dressings for wounds, and treatments for potential post-flood diseases;
  • assessment of animals’ longer-term needs, in partnership with the government.

Dr. Akash Maheshwari examines a local dog in Malabe, a suburb of Colombo.

Animal protection is vital

While disaster response rightly prioritises people’s immediate needs, the long-term recovery from disasters is inextricably linked with the well-being of their animals.

Animals suffer just like people do.


Tushari, a local woman, fosters stray dogs in Malabe, a suburb of Colombo - with her favourite dog, three legged Pedro.

Our response work is vital in helping them recover as quickly and effectively as possible.

Many people in Sri Lanka heavily rely on agriculture to make ends meet. At this critical time, saving animals will help provide stability for affected communities.

Keep an eye out for updates about our work protecting animals in Sri Lanka, and in the meantime you can learn more about our disaster management work.


Malabe, a suburb of Colombo.

“Animals are in dire need; injured, starving, open to the elements and at high risk of disease. By helping them, we will also help the people who rely so heavily on them for their livelihoods, transport and food.