After being rescued, this young male is now being rehabilitated and prepped for release back into the wild
For young sloths, being held and absorbing the warmth of their mothers is a critical behavior in their nuturing and rearing.
Unfortunately, this young male sloth in Sincelejo, Colombia, was torn from his mother's arms in an attack that can only be described as traumatic and grotesque.
The sloth being cared for by AIUNAU staff. Photo by AIUNAU
A tragic day
It is reported that the baby sloth and his mother were attacked by a group of local children who killed her mother and ripped him from her chest, to which he was desperately clinging.
A passer-by saw this happening and managed to rescue the young sloth from the attack. He was taken to the local environment authority who immediately contacted a World Animal Protection-funded sloth sanctuary.
Tinka, the founder of the sanctuary was called by the local environment authority in Sincelejo to come collect the the traumatized male sloth, who as yet had not been given a name.
he sloth being cared for by AIUNAU staff. Photo by AIUNAU
When the sloth arrived at the sanctuary, he appeared extremely stressed and refused to eat. It took him three days before he finally began to feel comfortable and eat properly.
He is now being given round the clock care and will likely stay at the sanctuary for at least a year for a full recovery, and for rehabilitation before he is released back into the wild.
Our work with sloths
We're funding the building of two new enclosures, which simulate a sloth's natural habitat at the sanctuary in Caldas, Colombia.
These small habitats have been carefully designed to provide the best care and freedom for rescued sloths who can rehabilitate here with the hope that one day they can released back into the wild. Photo by AIUNAU
These enclosures are where the baby sloth will be rehabilitated until he is ready to survive on his own.
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Top image provided by AIUNAU.
When he arrived at the sanctuary he appeared extremely stressed and refused to eat. It took him three days before he started to eat properly.