An elephant grazes at the happy valley elephant sanctuary in Thailand

224M Animals Were Protected



2020 was a very challenging and difficult year for all of us, but despite this, we were moved by the impact we had.

Real and lasting change: 

You, our supporters, banded together with unwavering support for animals to create real and lasting change. Your continued commitment that every animal deserves a life worth living impacted over 224M animals in 2020. Because of you, we are that much closer to creating a future where no animals experience cruelty or suffering.  

Our wins: 224M animals were protected  

Please read more below to find out how your support made 2020 an unbelievable year for animals. 

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You’re improving the lives of pigs.  

Our first-ever Quit Stalling report was released. This report tracks commitments made by large companies to phase out the use of gestation crates for pigs in their pork supply as well as the availability of public information regarding their progress. It shows how businesses like Subway and Chick-Fil-A, are falling behind, but also highlights those that remain committed to pig welfare . 

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You helped animals and the planet through our meat reduction work. 

Eating less meat makes a difference in the lives of animals and the health of our planet. By reducing meat consumption, our supporters decreased the need for some of the cruelest factory farming practices that include extreme confinement, the overuse of antibiotics, and brutal mutilations. They also fought climate change by decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation due to meat consumption! Because of your support, World Animal Protection was able to work with companies like Starbucks and Pizza Hut to offer more plant-based meals. And, we kicked off our 21-day meat reduction guide, Meating Halfway which offers both plant-based recipes and a 21-day meal planner to help individuals interested in reducing their meat consumption.  

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You gave bears and elephants better lives. 

Tourism venues across the world were forced to close due to COVID-19 which left our partner sanctuaries without necessary funding to feed and care for these animals. But you made sure that hungry elephants and bears in multiple sanctuaries across the world have enough to eat and are well-cared for.  

Thanks to your generous support, Nam Sook, a 70-year-old ex-logging elephant, has been able to continue enjoying rice balls - her favorite nutritious snack! Your support has also kept 15-year-old Roxanna, a previously bullied bear at the Barlad Zoo, safe and sound.  

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You helped wildlife. 

You saved displaced kangaroos, possums, and koala bears (just to name a few!) from the Australian Bush Fires and helped to provide medical care and food while supporting long-term recovery work for the animals displaced by the catastrophic fires.  

Over 1.1 million animal-lovers from around the world joined our call to the G20 Summit to end the cruel global wildlife trade. Your voice is showing world leaders that the wildlife trade must end - to protect animals, to protect people and to protect our planet – from another worldwide pandemic.  

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You vaccinated 148,733 stray cats and dogs 

2020 saw us focus most of our vaccination workshops in Thailand and India. Because of your love for cats and dogs, these animals and their communities are now better protected against rabies and the threat of culling due to rabies. 

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You exposed the cruel truth behind dolphin venues.

Thanks to your support, we launched a new documentary, Fooled by A Smile, sharing first-hand experience of how trainers and tourists are actively misled to maximize profit from the cruelty of keeping these intelligent, social animals captive. Currently, 3,000 dolphins around the world are trapped in cruel entertainment venues. World Animal Protection is working tirelessly to ensure this is the last generation of dolphins in captivity. 

Moving forward in 2021 

Amazing things happened for animals during a year of profound change. COVID-19 shows us there is still so much more work to be done, especially after we’ve seen what happens when we ignore the dangers of the cruel wildlife trade and continue the horrific cycle of factory farming. . .  

To make real and lasting change possible worldwide, for all animals, we continue to consult the experts, meet with companies and government officials, identify new opportunities, explore long-term solutions, and share our findings to ultimately move the world to protect animals.  

With your ongoing support, World Animal Protection continues to: 

  • Unite governments, organizations, and nations to ban the global wildlife trade to end the suffering of wild animals and protect people. 
  • Stop wild animals from being exploited for the sake of entertainment, medicine, food, or as exotic pets 
  • Provide funding to sanctuaries to feed and care for rescued animals like bears and elephants. 
  • Continue to move corporations to adopt better farmed animal welfare in their supply chain. 
  • Work to ban the overuse of antibiotics in farming to meet high animal welfare standards. 
  • Advocate to both consumers and companies the importance of nutritious plant-based options.  

Together, there is nothing we can’t do.  

Help us continue to make a difference for suffering animals around the world in 2021. Donate to World Animal Protection today and join us in ensuring every animal has a life worth living. Your support enables long-term sustainable solutions that stop animal exploitation, cruelty, and suffering. Thank you!

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To make real and lasting change possible worldwide, for all animals, we continue to consult the experts, meet with companies and government officials, identify new opportunities, explore long-term solutions, and share our findings to ultimately move the world to protect animals.