Where’s the beef—who cares?
Americans are obsessed with protein. Particularly the types of proteins that come from animals, such as meat, dairy, and eggs. It’s this insatiable appetite that fuels the factory farming industry.
From the whey we dump into shakes after hitting the gym, to the burgers we chow down on at barbeques, it’s almost as if we can’t get enough protein. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the average American adult is consuming nearly double the amount of protein they actually need, hurting not only animals but also the planet, and their health.
Fortunately, we don’t have to rely on meat, dairy, and egg products to reach the recommended daily allowance (RDA)of protein that’s suggested by the National Academy of Medicine. By adding these 15 plant-based foods that pack more protein than a beef burger into your diet, you can help transform the food system to be kinder to animals and the planet, as well as improve your overall health.
1. Beyond and Impossible Burger (20g)
2. A half cup of peanut butter (32g)
3. One cup of lentils (18g)
4. A half cup of chickpeas (19g)
5. A cup and a half of vegetarian baked beans (21g)
6. One cup of tofu (20g)
7. Two cups of cooked quinoa (16g)
8. A half cup of seitan (25g)
9. A half cup of almonds (15g)
10. One cup of black beans (16g)
11. A cup of Quorn meatless pieces (17g)
12. One cup of dry macaroni (14g)
13. A half cup of tempeh (16g)
14. Four cups of uncooked spinach (20g)
15. A half-cup of hemp seeds (31g)
By eating more plant-based protein and reducing your intake of cruelly-produced meat, dairy, and eggs, you can help us create a kinder food system.