Not Entertainer

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Animals in 2022



If we take one lesson from the past two years, it’s that human, planet, and animal health is all connected. We know our small everyday choices make an impact, so here are our top resolutions for 2022. Can we count on you too?

1. Eat less meat and eat more plants

Our food choices are based on many considerations – access, price, our health, taste, tradition, environmental impact, and hopefully, animal welfare. The good news is that adding more plant-based options to your diet (like beans and lentils) or swapping out your milk, meat, or eggs for a veggie alternative can often positively affect all those considerations. Find out more about why eating less meat is better for farmed animals, the planet, and our health. And find some helpful tips for making easy plant-based swaps to your favorite dishes.

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2. Show your stripes for tigers

This coming year will be the Year of the Tiger, a symbol of strength and bravery. Sadly though, tigers are very vulnerable to extinction due to poaching, climate change, and the exploitative wildlife trade. Not only is the wildlife trade cruel to animals, but it’s also dangerous for people. Almost 75% of emerging infectious diseases affecting human health originate in wildlife. You can help by urging your legislators to support the Big Cat Public Safety Act, which will prohibit the private possession of lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, jaguars, cougars, or any hybrids of these species.

3. Spread the word for animals!

One of the most impactful ways you can help animals any time of the year is to speak up and share information about their suffering. Post on Facebook, Tweet, make a TikTok video--help get the word out so that others can learn about the issues and make better choices to create lasting change for animals. Not sure where to start? Use the share buttons on our website to share any page directly to your social media accounts, or follow us on FacebookInstagram,Twitter, and TikTok to share our posts.

4. Pledge to not buy a wild animal as a pet

Wild animals like parrots, otters, and tortoises might seem like fun pets, but in reality, they are extremely difficult to care for, and as wild animals, they suffer. Captivity limits their natural behavior and places their mental and physical well-being at risk. While kept as pets, these animals often suffer from chronic stress and poor physical health from being kept in environments that can’t give them what they need to be happy and healthy. Wild animals are not pets; they belong in their natural habitat. You can help by first telling PetSmart to stop the sale of reptiles and amphibians and then by downloading our Retail Pet Sale Ban Toolkit to learn more about wild animals sold as pets in your community as well as how to advocate for laws that ban their sale.

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5. Give animals a life they deserve by making a donation

Around the world, millions of animals like bears, elephants, pigs, and dolphins are suffering every day. You have the power to help stop the cruelty and help these amazing animals lead safe, natural lives. When you donate to World Animal Protection, you are helping to solve the root causes of animal suffering and move governments, corporations, and people to end animal cruelty. Why not start this new year off by making a gift to help animals?

Donate now

Happy 2022!

One of the most impactful ways you can help animals any time of the year is to speak up and share information about their suffering.