World Animal Protection team member hosting a boycott in the street.

About Us

World Animal Protection is a global organization working to end animal exploitation. We expose cruel systems, promote animal-friendly alternatives, and influence policy change. For over 70 years, we’ve been rewriting the story for animals.

Evidence shows that animals are sentient, individual beings who feel pain, fear, and joy. Yet every day, billions of them experience unbearable cruelty.

Putting animals first isn’t just better for them, it’s vital for us and for our shared planet. By combining the power of people, companies, and governments, we can tackle the broken systems that cause animal suffering.

Together, we can transform the lives of farmed and wild animals around the world.

Join the Pod protester holds a sign.

Why we need you

Animal welfare is intrinsically linked to the welfare of people and our shared planet. Our work to protect animals will play a vital role in solving urgent issues like the climate emergency, the public health crisis, and the devastation of natural habitats. But we can't do it without you. As a people-powered organization, we mobilize our global network of supporters to make positive change for animals.

Always animals first

Everything we do at World Animal Protection starts and ends with animals. By helping more people understand that animals have rights too, we give them a louder voice and move animal welfare up the global agenda.

Achieving global change

Across the world, wild and farmed animals are ruthlessly exploited on an industrial scale. This threatens their welfare, our well-being, and the health of our planet. We work to achieve change on a global scale so that we can end cruelty and suffering for all animals. Forever.

Strong track record

For more than 70 years we have campaigned to end animal cruelty and suffering. We’ve raised the profile of animal welfare on a global scale, improving the way farmed and wild animals are treated. In the last three years alone, we’ve transformed the lives of 1.12 billion animals, mobilized 1.1 million people to demand G20 leaders end the global wildlife trade, and pressed retailers and producers to give 764 million chickens better lives.

Our History

Learn the history of World Animal Protection.

Our New Name

Learn how World Animal Protection got its name.

Annual Reports and Financials

Learn how we utilize your support to help save animals.

A tiger peering at the camera from behind some bushes.


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