Chickens in a factory farm.

Don’t Let the Farm Bill Undermine Animal Protection Laws!

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With your support and actions over the past several years, we passed new laws in many states banning the confinement of egg-laying hens, mother pigs, and baby cows in cruel crates and cages.  

The validity of these laws was recently affirmed by the Supreme Court, which upheld California’s farmed animal protection laws against industry attack. 

Having failed to overturn strong laws through legal challenges, the meat industry is now pushing the EATS (Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression) Act through Congress. This harmful bill aims to overturn California’s Prop 12 and other similar state laws. 

Alarmingly, parts of the EATS Act have now been inserted into the Farm Bill in an attempt to hide it from public scrutiny. 

We must keep this language out of the Farm Bill. It would undo years of advocacy and progress in animal protection. 

Animals need our help. Help us stand against this dangerous legislation!  

Send a message with one-click to your two senators and your representative demanding they oppose any efforts to use the Farm Bill to nullify important state animal protection laws like Prop 12.

After taking our email action, follow up with a phone call to each office. You can find your legislators’ contact info here.